Where have Pure Glutacaps been all of my life!?
I have had such a sweet tooth my whole life. Now when I see a cookie I don't even want it!! It's a MIRACLE.
— Leslie L. from TEXAS
- Erika Grasso
- Heidi Osterberg
- Tracy Bartlett
Pure Glutacaps™ work on a physical level to conquer sugar addiction where it starts—in the brain and in your gut (your “second brain”). Because these supplements chemically tame the cravings for you, you’ll be less tempted to reach for any baked goods, candy, chips or chocolate that comes your way.
Pure Glutacaps™ contain L-Glutamine, which is the most abundant amino acid in the body—but if you’re one of the 75% of Americans suffering from sugar addiction, you're lacking in this quintessential nutrient that helps stabilize blood sugar and curb cravings.
Pure Glutacaps™ support your body in building up the natural neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) that you need to consistently resist sugar cravings. That means you don’t have to rely on willpower to keep you from eating sugar; you can rely on science instead.
Think of how amazing you’ll feel once you’re no longer a slave to your sugar cravings—and the chaos that sugar can wreak on your body...and your mind! You’ll experience less bloating, a flatter stomach, reduced inflammation, and easier weight loss. Not to mention the energy—both physical and mental energy—you’ll gain back once those sugar crashes disappear!
Simply take 2 capsules of Pure Glutacaps™ before every meal to keep your sugar cravings at bay. And if you find yourself in an emergency sugar situation (oh no, not another birthday cake in the breakroom!!), open up one of your Pure Glutacaps™ and sprinkle it onto your tongue for immediate relief.
We formulated Pure Glutacaps™ with 7.5 times the normal amount of L-Glutamine — giving you better results and a bigger bang for your buck!
"With Pure Glutacaps™, I notice a huge difference compared to any other Glutamine capsule I’ve taken before.
The VeroVive Pure Glutacaps™ work so much better! Since taking them, I’ve had no sugar cravings at all! They work great and I am so happy about that!”
- Jean B. from Minnesota
- Nathalie Carrigan
- Baley Alyssa
- Joni
- Jessica Gilkey
This amino acid plays a vital role in rebuilding and maintaining the structural lining of your digestive tract. It works with probiotics to promote good digestion and nutrient absorption while reducing inflammation and may ward off sugar cravings. L-Glutamine is a precursor for the feel-good brain chemicals (serotonin and dopamine), so don’t be surprised when you experience a positive boost in your mood with this supplement.
What we really love about Pure GlutaCaps compared to other brands of L-Glutamine is not only the premium quality, but also their greater potency. At 750mg per capsule, you can take fewer of them for the same result. A general recommendation is 1-3 capsules of Pure GlutaCaps™ taken 15 minutes before all meals.
General Recommendation: One to three capsules daily or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
120 capsules in bottle.